Most frequent comment on departure…..
“I’m going to work on my casting techniques before I come back next time!”
Clear, water, and big, wary fish combine to up the ante on the casting stakes. Those who have fished here before will tell you that you will encounter fewer but much bigger fish, and that you will need to cast further than you’ve ever cast before!
As guides, perhaps the most common challenge we have is coaching clients to extend their casting ability –
- Distance – consistently making those 60-70 ft casts
- Accuracy – dropping the fly on the mark, without “lining” the fish, or catching stream-side vegetation.
- Presentation – a graceful, even delicate placement of the fly on the water – preferably not a slam-dunk….
- Speed – getting it out there promptly, before the fish moves on.
- Efficiency – maximum of 2 false casts – this reduces chances of excessive movement spooking fish, and prevents OOS/RSI. A full day on the water will see you make hundreds of casts – the fewer false casts, the less fatigue and the more enjoyment.
- Shooting Line – most people seriously underestimate how far line will shoot with good technique.
- Picking up Line – most people seriously underestimate much line can be lifted off the water with good technique, and instead retrieve too much, only to have to false cast it all back out again…
- Dealing with Wind – most afternoon we will have a breeze blowing in off the sea, right up into the mountain valleys. High line speed and tight loops make it easy/easier.
Fishing from a bamboo raft or an elephant boat is a new experience for many guests, and imposes special consideration of casting techniques – mainly from a safety perspective, with other people in close proximity! Keeping the back cast high, crisp and straight is comforting for all concerned….
If you are a novice/intermediate fly caster, that you seriously consider attending a casting clinic before visiting Thailand to fish. This will maximise your fishing opportunities while you are here, and will be an investment that will stand you in good stead anywhere else in the world as well.
Everything else being equal, the best casters catch the most fish!
“To fish fine, and far off is the first and principle rule for trout angling.” – Charles Cotton