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Kayaking Trips – 1 or 2 Days

Fishing Trips in Thailand

Fly Fishing Thailand with Bobby KaotakolNorthern Thailand’s highly-respected fishing guide Bobby Kaotakol provides Thailand fishing trips & packages in the Mae Sariang District of Mae Hong Son province, and across rivers in Chiang Mai province.

These mountainous locations hides clear freestone rivers and streams holding good populations of wild native fish species… Many small streams hold surprisingly large Mahseer (a member of the carp family). Mahseer fly fishing in Thailand is very similar to catching large brown trout, they happily take dry flies, nymphs and streamers!

Add in Asian elephants, ethnic minority Karen and Tai Yai village scenes and picturesque jungle landscapes and you’ve got a recipe for memorable fishing holidays in Thailand!

Book your Thailand fishing trip early to avoid disappointment...


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